The Show Must Go On

The Show Must Go On

One of the most popular events at Asia-Pacific International University is the annual culture show. International and Thai students present cultural performances. They do it passionately because it is about their identity. Failure is not an option, but the stage always has surprises. The rule of thumb is: “WHATEVER HAPPENS, THE SHOW MUST GO ON.”

What I like about the show is the opportunity to take pictures of the unexpected. What you see on the picture was one of the exciting performances that night. They eventually succeeded because they didn’t let the broken Styrofoam ruin their performance. THEY MOVED ON!

The practice for such a stage performance is like the PLANS we make in our lives, and the stage is the REALITY. Life doesn’t always guarantee the EXPECTED; it is full of the UNEXPECTED. Life doesn’t necessarily offer us challenges according to our preparation. Be always ready for SURPRISES. No matter what, you have to MOVE ON! Don’t get distracted by the small obstacles and ruin the big show. Heaven is watching, and the OMNISCIENT DIRECTOR of the performance in your life can give it a successful end.

The same principle applies in our spiritual journey. There may be obstacles and challenges that will force us to doubt if we can make it heaven. Our past sins and failures never miss an opportunity to surface back and drape our candle of hope with a blanket of frustration. Most of us can relate with David's yearning, "For I know my wrongdoings, And my sin is constantly before me" (Psalm 51:3, NASB). The struggle is real yet we are not doomed to dwell in the past. Apostle Paul, the man who had to face the guilt of persecuting Christians before his conversion, said, "Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4: 13 & 14, ESV). Let your past mistakes and sins don't go beyond reminding you that you don't need to do them again. Confess and look forward!

By the way, didn’t the Styrofoam in the picture live up to its reputation? A Styrofoam is meant to protect, not kill.


Were there times you struggles with your past mistakes? What helped you move on during those times?

Prayer Journal

What kind of strength would you like God to give you to overcome the burden of sin? How would you like God to use you in bringing hope to those who struggle with their past mistakes?