Ground Level

Ground Level

I took this picture during a trip to Utah, one of the most beautiful stats in America. While processing this picture, some thoughts were running in my mind. What we usually think is that if we want to have the best experience and see more exciting things, we need to rise to the challenges and soar higher. It is true to some extent but while trying to rich what is up there, we often miss the beauty in the ordinary. In fact, some low points in life have their own unmatched beauty. The change in perspective is uplifting. Using this analogy in real life experience, there are some lessons we can draw.

  • Sometimes, it is at the lowest point in your life that you meet others who are also undergoing a challenge. There is nothing like sharing the burden of someone who is down that makes you appreciate the worth of your time. It redefines your self-worth and gives you strength to overcome your own challenges. That is why the good book advises us to "share each other’s burdens, and in this way" we "obey the law of Christ" (Gal. 6:2. NLT).

"If you pour yourself out for the hungry

and satisfy the desire of the afflicted,

then shall your light rise in the darkness

and your gloom be as the noonday."

(Isa. 58:10, ESV)

  • You get more freedom to be who you are when you associate with the poor than with the rich. The poor don't worry about standard and class unlike the rich. You don't have to worry about appearing classy, educated or gainful. When you meet a person who is poor yet noble in character, you will understand that true greatness is not limited by poverty. "Better to be poor and honest than to be dishonest and rich" (Prov.28.6, NLT).

  • The same analogy can be used in our preference to relate with high ranking or highly educated people versus playing with children. There is nothing wrong in interacting with the highly educated but there is a lot more authenticity when you deal with children. If you want to see pure joy, play with children like a child even when it includes rolling on the ground. The innocence reflected in their radiant smiles and their genuine laughter refreshes your soul. In fact, one of the requirements to get to heaven is to be innocent like children. Jesus tells us, "Unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matt. 18:3).


What difference have you noticed in your instruction with the rich and the poor? How about people of high status and children?

Prayer Journal

What is your prayer to make a difference in the life of people whom the world treats as a lower class and insignificant in the society? How would you like God to use you?